Peak to Creek Marathon 2014
Jonas Ridge to Brown Mountain Beach, NC • Saturday, October 25, 2014 • 8:00am
Formerly the Ridge to Bridge Marathon
Photo courtesy of Chas Willimon
The Burke Council on Alcoholism and Chemical Dependency cordially invites you and your friends to join us for the 2014 Peak to Creek Marathon, formerly known as the Ridge to Bridge Marathon. This year's event is a go: P2CM is scheduled to take place at 8:00am on October 25th.
Just as it was in 2014, P2CM is hosted by the Burke Council and is headed up by the same organizers (David & Rhonda Lee) who have made the event a must-do marathon since 2006.
Back for 2014: Regular, old online registration that opens at noon eastern time on June 1st (just like the good old days). Gone is the well-intended but clunky lottery that didn't work out as well as we'd hoped. Please see the race page for details.

We're proud to say this is a pretty cool race. Lots of people have dropped by over the years to join us, many of whom turned in some pretty fast times. Our little marathon has been among the top 10 courses in the USA to qualify for the Boston Marathon over the past few years. Those who didn't just came by for the views or to enjoy some barbecue with us after the race. Whatever your goal, ours is the same: we want you to leave here feeling like this is a race that has to be on your calendar year after year. Wilson Creek offers a steady flow of cool, mountain water for you to wade into after you finish. We'll be there, too, to congratulate you. Bring your friends. We promise to do the same.
Click here for full details of the 2014 Peak to Creek Marathon!